STRANGE INTERLUDE wanted to say is, now he's dead, I hope you'll get married and I hope you'll be as happy as you both deserve - {Here he breaks down, kissing her and then breaking away.) I've got to say good-bye - got to fly back before dark - Madeline's waiting. (He takes Dartell's hand and shakes it again. They have both been staring at him stupidly!) Good-bye, Darrell! Good luck! DARRELL (Thinking sufferingly.) Why does he keep on calling me Darrell? . . . he's my boy. . . I'm his father ... I've got to make him realhe I'm his father! . . . (Holding Gordon's hand,) Listen, son. It's my turn. I've got to tell you something- NINA (Thinking torturedly.) Oh, he mustn't! ... I feel he mustn't! * *. (Sharply.) Ned! First, let me ask Gordon a question. (Then looking her son in the eyes, slowly and impres- sively.) Do you think I was ever unfaithful to your father, Gordon? GORDON (Startled, stares at her - shocked and horrified - then suddenly he blurts out indignantly.) Mother, what do you think I am — as rotten-minded as that! 338